Here's the eighth public demo of my game LEGIRION.

In this version, I added in a save string that can be used to save between this and future versions. I also added in a few rocks that can be collected from to collect pebbles, or mined from, if you have a pickaxe. You have to craft the pickaxe yourself though. I also added in a crafting system.

In order to craft, you must have a viable tool, which are currently a crafting grid, a small rock, or a big rock. The crafting grid can be made by using combine on a stick, while you have 3 or more sticks. When you use a proper tool, a window pops up and shows what tool you are using, and has slots at the top for ingredients and a slot at the bottom that shows the output. 

Current recipes:

Tool Type (Min level) : Ingredient0 count0, Ingredient1 count1, ...., = result rcount

Smash1: Stick1 = SharpStick1

Smash2: Rock1 = SharpRock1

Craft1: Stick2 SharpStick2 = WoodPickaxe1

Craft1:Stick2 SharpRock2 = StonePickaxe1

Small rock is a smash tool, level 1, collected from world rocks

Big rock is a smash tool, level 2, mined from world rocks (requires pickaxe)

Crafting grid is a crafting tool, level 1, combined from sticks(sticks are collected from apple trees)

LEGIRION is a game heavily inspired by Old School Runescape. It is very much a work in progress. 

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