Here's an early demo of my game: LEGIRION.

It is very much a work in progress.  

In this version, I have the basics: I have a grid based system that the player can walk on and an inventory system. 

There's a minigame in the portal. The goal of the minigame is to collect 20 apples and put them in the barrels. But it is not that simple. There are two apple trees on either side of the island. You can collect up to 3 apples and an infinite number of sticks before the trees go bare. The apples regrow when the tree on the other side of the island gets harvested. However, it's not that easy. If you spend a tick on a web, you lose an item. You will lose sticks before apples. So you must go side to side collecting apples while avoiding webs. After 20 deposits, the timer stops. How fast can you collect the 20 apples?

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