this project is being remade because it was made in unity and i don't want to use unity anymore

THE REST OF THE WORLD: Two workers are in your inventory. First they must rest, then they must explore, find new biomes, and place them in the world.

There are some food items that you can drag onto your character to gain more energy, like grass or grubs.

dev log:


LEFT CLICK DRAG - moves a stack of items

LEFT CLICK - selects a stack of items to move

RIGHT CLICK - puts down one of the item

The game automatically saves every 15 seconds to the default save.  there are 4 manual saves, QWER, saved with left shift +Q, loaded with right shift + Q. (dont hold any items during this)

to delete all saves and progress hold down left control and left shift then press L, and then refresh the page before the auto-save saves

All assets are made for this game by Divagated (except for the font, which was made by Divagated, but not for this game)

Made for Summer Incremental Game Jam 2023

@me in my discord:

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